Friday, January 30, 2009

Day 264

i've got some sad news. tim leaves in a couple days. if you happen to remember over two hundred days ago, which by no means to i expect anyone to, tim and i met early during pre-camp but then he'd suddenly left camp a few weeks later to return home to new zealand to start college. 'uni' they call it.

the first days of settling in that camp environment were filled with the normal routines of getting adjusted in those north pacific woods and meeting people and answering the standard 'name and location' questions. you shake hands and try to learn other peoples names too, but mostly you go with the flow. tim kind of intimidated me at first, i think i remember, because he was at the middle of a full dinner table and the conversations and laugher were mostly guided and stoked by his inputs to the group. later, we would later meet in the same fashion as all the rest of the introductions and we started hanging out, both of us long, tall fellows with seemingly similar interests to explore. we had adventures. climbed a mountain. talked about books. people. travel. spirituality. life. man it is surreal to look back at the ancient posts because it feels like a lifetime ago.

when tim got wind of our crew's plans for fernie, he was stoked and hopped on a plane after finishing his semester. the southern hemisphere's summer is the northern's winter, making this season a near perfect fit for summer break. the surf and road trips of the past now paralleled and continued with snowboarding adventures and wanderings around this small town and its coffee shops or even down to the states. as the majority of winter nights lulled everyone else to bed, tim and i would inevitably be the last ones up at our flat with respective books or conversation about books or people or life. and hundreds of cups of tea. i've promised him to one day visit his country as well and can't wait to be able to recreate and build on all we've come to experience during all this.

i hadn't planned on writing a tim tribute until next week, but seeing that i don't know how time will go i've decided now was well worth the opportunity.

also, our band has a show tomorrow night. from the sounds of the buzz around town, it might turn out to be a big crowd. jeremy, a kiwi and bandmate, came over to the house tonight to start work on recording some acoustic cuts of guitar/accordion songs and to practice up on a couple songs.

10:30 pm at the northern on main street everybody.

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