Sunday, May 17, 2009

Day 371

hey, hopefully everything is caught up and clear for the past couple days. today will be short in order to give some catch-up time if you want it. friday and saturday were pretty sweet days.

we went to church this morning and i went to two services in a row at imago dei in hopes of running into the people who'd given me a hitch yesterday. i saw spencer at the second service and he introduced me to his mom. good to see the people again.

this weekend has been the first real taste of summer thus far. after my solo beach adventures yesterday, parker, housemate robert, and i went to parker's cousin's apartment to grill out and swim in the private apartment complex pool. today was hot and we got full and tan and this sunday turned out to be sweet in many regards. man, it's been so good to become friends with the dudes at this house and the people of the greater community.

but go read yesterday and friday if you haven't already. they're way cooler, even though today was fun and worthwhile.

"i, the brine
you, the sea
us, the ocean;
swallow me."

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